
Showing posts from August, 2020

Marvel Avengers Watching order guide and brief Timeline(explained).

The Marvel Cinematic Universe has now been rolling forward for over 10 years and as these movies (including Avengers: Infinity War, Guardians of the Galaxy and Captain Marvel) have gone on, they’ve also become ever-more interlinked, featuring regular cameos, references, and Easter Eggs to other instalments. For newcomers to superhero movies — perhaps those who have became absorbed in the Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU) following Black Panther — the amount of material to watch can be overwhelming. But for those wanting to persevere, there are two watching orders. Really, you should probably watch these movies in release order, starting the journey with Iron Man and moving onto The Incredible Hulk, then Iron Man 2, Thor, Captain America: The First Avenger, finishing Phase One with Avengers. This order works well in terms of the post-credit scenes setting up the next movie, plus this gives the series the intended rhythm formed by producer Kevin Feige. However, many fans have taken to

Pakistan Vs India|Rivalry in Cricket!

 Cricket is such game,which is played by emotions and effort is required to be successful, professionally.Although,Cricket is popular in many countries such as Australia,England,New Zealand and many others but for Asians it is not just a game that is being played between two countries,it is a emotion,specially for Pakistanis and Indians.The second thing which is practiced in both the countries after their respective religions is cricket.So,today I am going to give my opinion about this rivalry.                                                             Since the partition in 1947,Pakistan and India were involved in many disputes which led to a rivalry in politics between the two countries and also the main issue issue of rivalry is The Kashmir Issue,it is a sensitive issue for both the nations,so let's not talk about that.But,when it comes to cricket the hype gets much bigger.                                 Pakistan Vs India is the the biggest of games in cricket,whether it is a


 PUBG mobile is a Android game which is raging all over the world,some people enjoy this game as a entertainment only but some people play it as a job or in other words it is a career for many.                                                     As it's a E-sports game so it plays a great role in the progress of E-sports industry in other words PUBG itself is industry, because of its too realistic gameplay and graphics it is different from other games of the same genre.                                                If we talk about its presence in Pakistan,many young gamers had started earning from this game in different forms,some are earning by streaming their skillfull gameplay on YouTube and some earning by participating in sponsored E-Sports tournaments and winning big prize money.But even after all these factors it is unstable in Pakistan due to some mystic deaths in the country.And the death causes are said to be PUBG Itself,and it is also said that the game hits mentalit